Precision Stimulation Tool

Dual Element Acid/Fluid Isolation Tool

The Precision Stimulation Tool (PST) delivers numerous treatments (50+) in a single run, without having to trip to surface to replace damaged cups, preventing non-productive time. Suitable for high-pressure, high-temperature operating environments

Precision Stimulation Tool

Precision Stimulation Tool

The Precision Stimulation Tool (PST) allows operators to deliver numerous treatments (50+) in a single run, without having to trip to surface to replace damaged cups, preventing non-productive time.


Fully compatible with perforated casing, milled out ball drop completions, and competitors’ coiled-tubing shifted sleeves:

  • Compatible with diversion agents, foam diverted acid and other common acidizing treatments

  • Stimulation of new wells or restimulation of existing assets

  • Selective acidizing, aolvent squeezes, injectivity testing or casing leak testing

  • Test or treat individual frac sleeves or perf clusters

  • Can operate in high-pressure, high-temperature environments (as high as 70,000 kPa at 135ºC)

On a single assembly, the PST combined with the industry proven Sandhawk BHA enables operators to locate, open and close Kobold’s sleeves to perform pressure tests and treat anywhere in the casing string.


Packer elements are set independently to ensure 100% zonal isolation for precise treatment injection:

  • Option to set one packer element or both

  • Provides optimized treatment pressure while inhibiting fluid leak-off

  • When unset, packer elements are protected when moving in the wellbore and have no contact with the casing, thereby prolonging the life of the tool and mitigating wear